Had good news today from the Cooroy Butter Factory Gallery: this little painting sold.
It always feels so nice when someone spends their hard earned money on something we have created. To me, this is a huge compliment. Thank you dear Collector! It renews and reaffirms my faith in myself as an artist. 'Sea Level' is a simple painting yet it evokes peacefulness. May it always brighten up your space!
My husband said to me a little while ago that art and the business of it seem to have taken over my life. That is true. This exhibition for me is a big deal. I waited over three years to have a spot at the BFAC. This gave me time to paint and create. Last year I asked my talented daughter Sara to join me and also exhibit her beautiful work. She was not too keen but probably just to please me, she agreed and I will be forever grateful to her. And it is so special to have a Mama and Daughter exhibition!
