Saturday, 15 June 2024
Located in Israel, the Old City of Akko is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the oldest ports in the world. The city is also home to part of the Bahai World Center. (Wikipedia)
To feel that a painting is finished, I need to feel that the painting has been 'resolved'. If you are an artist you will understand what I mean. If you're not, a painting that has been resolved refers to artwork that is pleasing, satisfying to look at and somehow balanced.
Every painting has a story and for me this beautiful painting took a long time to be 'resolved'. The sky was giving me trouble. I kept on changing its colour. But nothing worked. Then in desperation, I painted paper with a gelli plate, tore the paper by hand and glued it with gloss medium onto the canvas. It was a risk but it worked! The sky is all collage of handpainted and hand torn paper, like a mosaic. The collage added light and depth to the painting and made it beautiful.
This painting could have been sold many times over as it was a favourite with many people but it was Doug who ended up purchasing it today. Thank you Doug! I am happy it is going to someone who has a connection and love for the Holy Land.
Luckily I had the original professionally scanned and can offer fine art print reproductions of this painting on paper, canvas or fabric.
Contact me if you are interested
